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CAEL Classes in PAnchkula

The Canadian Academic English Language Assessment

What is CAEL CE?

CAEL CE is a test designed to measure the English language proficiency of students planning to study in Canadian post-secondary institutions.

CAEL CE is one of the best tools for identifying students with the right English skills for academic success. It provides an authentic representation of language use in a Canadian academic context. Test takers read articles, listen to a lecture, answer questions, and write a short essay, as they would be expected to do in a first-year Canadian university or college classroom.

Why Take CAEL CE?

The Canadian Academic English Language (CAEL) Test, CE (Computer Edition), measures the English language proficiency of students planning to study at Canadian universities and colleges.

CAEL CE is one of the best tools for identifying students with the right English skills for academic success. It provides an authentic representation of language use in a Canadian academic context. Test takers read articles, listen to a lecture, answer questions, and write a short essay, as they would be expected to do in a Canadian university or college classroom.

Computer-Delivered Test

Done in just one sitting and includes features such as a personal timer and word counter

Quick Online Results

Available online in 8 business days, with scores sent to 5 institutions at no extra cost

Who Accepts CAEL CE

CAEL CE is accepted by over 180 Canadian post-secondary institutions

CAEL CE is accepted by over 180 Canadian post-secondary institutions, as well as by a number of professional organizations as proof of English proficiency. Click below for a full list of accepting institutions and organizations.

Why Are we the best institute for CAEL preparation in India?

Canadian School of IELTS is one of the First institutes pan-India to start CAEL CE preparation program. We are an official test preparation centre for CAEL, currently located in Panchkula and catering to Chandigarh, Mohali, Zirakpur as the Best CAEL coaching centre.

Book Your CAEL CE exam now by clicking the link below

The Famous Four


Time allotted: 25-35 minutes

Number of Questions/TasksComponent Sections

Number of Questionss14-25

One or two short listening passages with comprehension questions

One or two long listening passages with comprehension questions

One speaking question, answered using material from a long listening passage


Integrated Reading

Time allotted: 35-50 minutes

Number of Questions/TasksComponent Sections

Number of Questions - 14-25

One or two short reading passages with comprehension questions
One or two long reading passages with comprehension questions

One speaking question, answered using material from a long reading passage

The best CAEL indtitute of Panchkula


Academic Unit A

Time allotted: 60-70 minutes

Number of Questions - 11-15

One long reading passage with comprehension questions

Number of questions - 11-15

One long listening passage on the same topic, with comprehension questions

Number of questions - 1

One writing question requiring an extended response, using material from both the long reading passage and the long listening passage

Academic Unit B

Time allotted: 40-45 minutes

Number of Questions - 11-15

One long reading passage with comprehension questions

Number of Questions - 11-15


One long listening passage on the same topic, with comprehension questions

Number of Questions - 1


One writing question requiring a short response, using material from both the long reading passage or the long listening passage


Time allotted: 7-10 minutes

Number of TasksComponent Sections

3Two speaking tasks, each based on short question
One speaking task based on a graph/diagram/chart

CAEL CE Band Descriptor





Expert: Demonstrates a high level of competence, accuracy,and effectiveness in academic/professional



Adept: Uses generally accurate language in most settings;some limitations in flexibility are evident                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Advanced: Displays competence in academic or professional settings                                                                                                                                                                                         

High Intermediate: Exhibits some competence in academic or professional settings; communication 

may break down in places                                                                                                                           


Intermediate: Demonstrates some ability to comprehend and articulate complex ideas and arguments

typical of academic or professional settings                                                                                                   


High Beginner: Expresses basic ideas about familiar topics in routine settings                                                


Low Beginner: Communicates with limited ability                                                                                      




Canadian School of IELTS is a official member of the following:

CELPIP Network

CAEL Network

Test preparation centre for CELPIP and CAEL

IELTS referral partner for IDP

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